Manufacturing Insights

An ERP blog from MAX

6 New Ways To Use Mobile Technology in Manufacturing

Posted by MAX on Dec 3, 2014 10:44:50 AM

mobile in manufacturingBy now most people realize that mobile devices are a great benefit to any business, even manufacturers. However, most companies haven’t yet explored all the possible ways that mobile technology in manufacturing can improve productivity.

We've already talked about how mobile ERP systems give small and mid-sized manufacturers the capabilities to enter quotes and sales orders, process material transactions, and receive purchase orders while away from the office, but with a little imagination, mobile devices can also play a wider role, especially in quality management and customer service. If you're not yet using mobile ERP, but you still want to explore how to use mobile technology in your manufacturing environment, consider these 6 new ways to use mobile technology.

1. Off-site inspection

Inspections or first piece inspections at vendor sites can be expensive, and while necessary, they may slow down production. Inspectors can use their mobile device’s built in camera to snap pictures of inspected items. This may be especially helpful for components where color or finish may be critical. Attaching the photo to the inspection report provides a record of levels of acceptability that can be used as a guideline for future delivery or as a proof point during disputes.

2. Material handling

Every manufacturer wants to increase throughput, and mobile devices can help by reducing wait time when operations are finished. Instead of relying on material handlers to notice material in queue, operators can text them as soon as the material is ready to move. You might not want to do this for every job, but for critical orders or work centers it may make sense to add this extra element of speed to the process.

3. Documenting installed base

When your installation team finishes installing equipment at customer sites, the service tech could use a mobile device to take a snapshot of critical settings or the surrounding area as proof that the installation was finished. Having a record of the settings helps in the future if problems arise, and a record of successful installation helps resolve billing disputes. By attaching the photos to the installed base record or service ticker, the information is immediately available when needed.

4. Work instructions

Not everybody learns by reading. Some people retain more information when they hear it spoken aloud or when they see pictures as examples. Attaching voice files to routing steps enables operators to hear the work instructions whenever they need to by playing them on a mobile device. This can also help in companies where the work force speaks multiple languages, since process files could be recorded and issued in multiple languages to make it easy for workers to understand.

5. Receiving Management

If receivers snap a picture of the packing list and attach it to the receipt transaction, there is little need to expend resources handling and filing paper as the material moves through production and the invoice goes through payables.

6. Enterprise Asset Management

When unexpected equipment issues occur, it’s important to minimize downtime. Instead of waiting for the maintenance team to arrive at the work center to examine the problem and then return with the right parts and equipment to effect repairs, send a text photo or sound file of the machine so they can diagnose the issue remotely. This gives them a good chance of arriving at the work center with the right parts and tools to make fast repairs, getting the machine up and running quickly when minutes count. 

These ideas not only utilize your ERP systems’ mobile device readiness, but they also incorporate some of the capabilities and services of mobile devices themselves. The result is increased productivity, better quality and enhanced throughput.


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Topics: Mobile ERP

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